Monday, February 20, 2012

A Salmon Recipe

Of course we all know that salmon is healthy. It's low in saturated fat, high in omega-3 fats, and high in protein. Despite knowing the health benefits, getting it into our diets can sometimes be a challenge, especially with kids - even those of us who would roast a chicken with little fear can be intimidated when it comes to cooking fish. That's why, when I first made this salmon recipe a few weeks ago, I knew I had to share it. It's relatively simple and is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser.

Honeyed Onion-Encrusted Salmon

1 large onion, chopped in half and sliced thinly
4 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper

1 full-sized salmon fillet

Heat the olive oil in a medium-sized sauce pan over low-medium heat. Add the onion and cook, covered, until the onions are very soft. Remove lid and allow to brown slightly. Add honey, lemon juice, salt, and pepper and cook another 5 minutes. Allow to cool.

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 425°.

Place salmon fillet in a low baking dish and cover with the onion sauce. Place on middle rack in oven and cook for 25-30 minutes. Finish the baking by putting the salmon under the broiler for 5 minutes to achieve a golden-brown crust on the onion topping.

(Pictured here with steamed cauliflower tossed in a garlic-tahini dressing)