Thursday, October 17, 2013

More News About Wheat and Gluten Sensitivity

Some time ago, I wrote a post about celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. In that piece, I pointed out that celiac disease is several times more common than previously believed, and that an interesting study found that celiac disease is not more common merely due to increased awareness, but actually because of increased prevalence. The article also discussed non-celiac gluten sensitivity, also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy, but noted that diagnosis of this ailment was difficult, due to the absence of accurate blood tests.

Enter a recent article that's making the rounds. Authored by an international group of researchers, the article reviews the data on non-celiac gluten sensitivity. The article has gotten a lot of attention because it takes a serious approach to what has been a difficult area - many people have self-diagnosed and self-treated with gluten-free diets, and it's been hard to integrate this with current medical knowledge. The article offers a bridge to help clinicians understand this phenomenon, and brings them up to date with the latest information.

While gluten avoidance is likely to remain the gold standard for identifying the disease, at least until lab technology catches up, I for one am glad to see medical research working on this. It's not exactly clear as to why we are increasingly reactive to the food we eat, but we are, and hopefully we can get a handle on what is going on here.

Finally, it's worth noting that, while medical science is still catching up, it's important to rely on the experience and knowledge of a healthcare professional to help you understand your health. Many digestive disorders overlap in their symptoms and a healthcare provider like a naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, or holistic MD can help you understand your specific health situation and health needs. So if you've got tummy trouble, go get it figured out! You don't need to live with a pain in the butt, either literally or figuratively.